Monday, December 15, 2008

So what's the deal with all those email addresses?

Believe it or not, it isn’t easy sending out these emails.

First of course, I have to write them. That’s the easy part. Figuring out what I am going to write about, that’s the hard part. I spend the better part of the week, kicking around ideas, (or hoping that I get an idea) and usually write it on Saturday/Sunday. Once in a while I’ll have the idea set for the following week, like I was going to write about Short Sales today, having written about foreclosures last week, but I’m not in the mood. There is plenty of time after New Years to talk about how to survive these times that are affecting each and every one of us. I have a couple of really nice topics that I’m toying with for next week already.

But anyway, once it’s written, then I have to think about it, let is stew. Go out for a while, do something else, play spider solitaire, eat a meal, drink some Perrier. Then I read it again, then out loud, constantly editing, adding stuff, deleting stuff, until I’m past okay and am happy with what I’ve written.

Then I send it out to a couple of people for their grammatical, spelling, typographical, and editorial assistance and comments. One is my cousin Stuart, in California, and the other is my friend Jon Salmon. Thank you both. They take it very seriously, and are very strict about not letting me say something that could get me into trouble (content wise).

Now we’re back to the hard part again. Sending them out.

When I first started, I thought that I could just send them all out at once. Like an email.

Boy was I wrong.

Doesn’t work like that, at all.

At that time I had about 700 email addresses on my Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 program, so after I wrote my first email, - I clicked on all the names, and it didn’t go through. I got back notices that the emails didn’t reach the intended recipients with a bunch of different error codes that I had no idea what it meant.

I called my computer friend Al Russo, (Paper Solve) and he explained to me that the free services (Gmail, Verizon, AOL, etc.) limit the amount of emails that you can send out at one time.

So I tried sending them from, a pay account, but that was even worse than the g-mail account. After consulting with our technical guy, and the domains tech support, I discovered that the Our Island Real Estate domain only allows 10 emails to be sent at a time. No wonder it took 9 hours to send out the emails.

So then I took my list and created “distribution lists” on my Outlook account, and kept them under about 50. I organized my list according to various categories, Builders, Trades, CPA’s, Health Care Providers, Bankers, Insurance Brokers, Architects’ & Engineers; my REO customers, etc. (Some of the categories are so large that I had to make multiples, like Lawyers A-G; H-M; N-R; S-Z)

Finally, I thought that I was home, but no, after a few emails, I received emails back, that some of the emails didn’t reach their intended recipients because I had exceeded the daily limit (500 emails per day). I didn’t know that I was limited to 500 emails per day, but I know that now.

I tried going to some of the online mail services, Constant Contact is one that you might hear advertising. Not a bad deal, it doesn’t cost much, they get the emails out, but…………..

I can’t just forward the email listings that I currently send out the way that they are, I have to make them fit into neat little packages that they have set up (templates).

Creating a bunch of email addresses seemed to be the answer.;;;;;, etc. (pretty clever I say). That’s fine. Each email address can handle 500 emails per day. I have a sheet that I use that contains all of the distribution lists (categories), and I know that I can send just about half the list using one email, and the other half using the second email, (although the list is growing every day, I am up to almost 1200 names), but I don’t send every person every email. Realtors don’t get my foreclosure listings (after all does Macy’s tell Gimbel’s? Does anyone remember Gimbel’s?). (I live in a big old house near where Mr. Gimbel had his big old house, but I guess it wasn’t old when he lived in it).

Everything is fine, but sometimes I send the email’s out too quickly, and guess what- my account gets knocked off the air for 24 hours (can’t send), and I receive error messages, and the emails don’t go through.

Gmail tells me that they work very hard to fight spam. This not only includes spam coming into Gmail, but also spam being sent out from Gmail. Apparently they have filters that look for spam. One of the ways that they do it is looking for large mailings where the recipients are sent to cc/bcc recipients. (Other things that trip the spam filters are links to other sites and the word VIAGRA). So I’ve learned that I cannot send out the next batch, until a few minutes after the prior batch went through.

I called Leore, my graphics guy from the Bar Newsletter days, and it just so happens that he is also in the business of sending out multiple emails to people. He has proposed that I send him the listing, with the wording that I want, etc., and he’ll turn it into a package that can be sent out en masse…..for a fee.

So that’s where it stands right now.

Some of you must be saying, thank you spam control filters, and others are thinking, call Leore, get it going, so you can send us more emails every day.

Which are you?

…………………………to be continued

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